
Over 80% of consumers stated they are encouraged to make a first-time purchase with a brand that is new to them if they found an offer or discount. WhirLocal makes it easy to create and share offers for new and existing customers. Click on Add Offer to get started.

Offer Name

The Offer Name is for organizational purposes only, and isn’t really visible on the front end. Name your offers something that’s easy and categorically correct for the offer, such as “New Customer – Summer 2019”.

Offer Types

Currently, WhirLocal provides two types of offers: Text Based and Image Based. Text based images are ones you can type out in the fields provided, while image based can be for offers that you’ve had professionally created (like a coupon image).

Text Based Offers

Choosing a Text Based offer will show a simple form that will generate an offer for you.

  • Offer Value will be shown in bold at the top. This should be simple like “FREE“, “Save 30%“, etc.
  • Short Description is shown under the value, and should a simple description of what the offer is for. Examples include “Your Whole Purchase”, “New Customer Cleaning Packages”.
  • Offer Description is where you can get into the nitty-gritty of your offer. Anything that needs to be known about redeeming this offer can go here.
  • Offer Limitations are where to put any bullet points you feel necessary. “Limit 1 offer per transaction“, “New Customers Only“, “No Cash Value“, etc.

After you Publish your offer, it will be visible on your business profile.

All Text Based offers can be clicked on to open them up in a printable format. (If you require deals to be printed for reporting purposes, there is an option for that below in Offer Settings).

Image Based Offers

Offers that are image based are super easy. Just click Select File and choose the offer image you want to use, or drag & drop the file from your desktop onto the purple box. Make sure that ALL of your offer’s details are on the image!

Offer Settings

This field varies based on what offer type you have chosen. For Image Based offers, the expiration date will remove the offer from your profile after that date. Text Based offer expiration dates work similarly. For Text Based offers, there are more options though:

Required Offer to be Printed will add a print icon and label on it. Clicking on the offer will open it up in a printable format.

Evergreen offers override the expiration date, and will make the offer’s expiration date always be the last day of the current month. This will prevent the need to constantly change the expiration date, while also preventing offers being printed and store for months or years on end.

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